Stop Explaining Yourself

Don’t you hate being bombarded with intrusive and downright inappropriate questions? “How much money do you make”? “What street do you live on”? “How many people have you dated”? “Why are you single?” If you’re like me these types of questions catch you off guard…

Black Girl

The Black Girl Who Acts White

I’ve heard this more times than I can count. “She’s black but she acts like she’s white.” “She doesn’t talk like she’s black.” “Maybe she was adopted.” I know I’m not the only person who has dealt with this. As African Americans, we aren’t just…

Insecurity Is Not Cute

My first day in Philly was eye-opening, to say the least. For the first time in my life, I compared myself to everyone around me. My hair, clothing, the way I walked…..everything. I felt people’s stares as I walked down the streets of Center City.…